Why A Blog?

          It feels like I've been writing these blogs forever. When I did the math, I haven't even made it a third of the way there. I know, sounds crazy. But all this time went by and I don't think I have ever spoken about why I started the blog, and if I did, I think I just brushed on it. They say there are five love languages: words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. I feel like I've figured out Marc's two biggest loves and I believe they are words of affirmation and acts of service. By no means do I think he doesn't follow the other love languages as well, I just know those are important to him. When I first began this blog, we weren't in the best of places. I may have been a bit extra by creating a public blog, but I wanted Marc to see how much truth I was putting behind my words. I wanted to publicly and verbally express my affection, praises, and appreciation for having him in my life. I knew that when I spoke these things I had to show him the love that I felt for him. Which is why I think I make it something public. That was my way of showing him love, my act of service. The blogs allow me to express my love through words, through the act of writing a public blog, to give Marc an electronic gift every day, and to allow him some quality time for us no matter the physical distance between us. I can't be with him everyday to give him the love of physical touch, but I hope my every "I love you" and blog are just as warming as a big hug for my bug <3 These blogs can sometimes get superficial when I panic about new ideas or things to write about, but there is actually a very important meaning behind these blogs. I want my love for Marc to be out there and for everyone to see. I don't want him to ever doubt my love. It's easy for things to get difficult with distance, but I won't let one school year, or any big issues we may have in our relationship mess that up. We've come too far to let it all go to waste. Not only are these blogs a way for me to show my love, but every legal document that I needed to work on is officially complete. I am seriously a Colón now. If that wasn't a huge act of service, I don't know what is. I don't plan on ever changing my name back, and I don't plan on having any other life partner.

With love always,
Becca Colón

P.s. I love you bug. :*


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