Guess Who's Back
Last night I raced home because Marc and I are weirdos and like to go to sleep at the same time, and I knew he was really tired from working all week. Of course, of all my shifts from this past week, yesterday I worked the latest. I felt bad because Marc had been reminding me how sleepy he was. So straight to the shower and bed I went. At that point Marc already told me he needed to close his eyes for a little. You could imagine the guilt I felt hahaha. So I'm in bed and Marc finally "open's his eyes", and long story short says to open the door. Sometimes we joke around by saying "come open the door", as if we were really there, but something told me to race downstairs last night. Herky and I ran down super excited and I turned on my flashlight to look outside and was scared and happily surprised to see Marc actually there. So much for my countdown haha, Oh well, this surprise was great! When I saw him, legit tears formed in my eyes. I was so happy I could not control myself. I didn't want to let go of him. To think yesterday I had a crappy day at work, and my day ended on probably the highest note ever. You know, I like to mention the small things about being in a relationship because they really do matter to me. Once Marc settled in last night we decided to run to the supermarket to get cereal. Honestly, getting that single box of cereal was one of the greatest dates between Marc and I. It was just us two, walking through Martin's food market, late at night. So late, the lights in the store weren't even fully on. It was as if the whole population of people in the world had disappeared, and the only people left were us two. You can imagine how long that happy energy lasted. I told Marc when I got home from work today that once 3pm came, I had become exhausted. He laughed because he said I had so much energy this morning (which I did), and that I just needed more Marc in my life hahah. Maybe that's true, because the moment I got home, my tired eyes were no longer. Just a happy wife excited to cook dinner. I always like typing up these blogs with Marc around. It's almost impossible to not know what to write about. Him, duh! I can't be on here much longer, only have a few hours left with my love. <3
With love always
Becca Colón
Ps. Had to get his favorite milk! <3 And yes, I'm definitely acting like a giddy little school girl.
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