I Hope She Doesn't Read This

That tear coming from my eye proves to me there is so much emotion behind this love of ours <3

          I have a feeling I'm going to get a lot more female viewers today hahah. But I'm pretty sure she doesn't even read the blog. I just could not let this conversation go to waste. Last night as I ate dinner watching the Bachelor (yes I like that show), one of the girls became super giddy over the date she just had. I had been smiling with excitement for the girl on the tv because the way she looked at the gentleman was how I look at Marc. I get super giggly and smiley and really can't control my happiness sometimes. Well, the girl with me went on to chuckle and said, "Ughh, I can't stand when people act like that, love isn't even a real thing". You can imagine how butt hurt I was and shocked that she would say that to me of all people. Probably one of the biggest pushers of love. I love love and just about everybody knows that about me. I had to ask her why she would say such a thing. She went on to tell me that it was all about chemical imbalances and becoming high off of a person. I'm pretty sure I heard that on the Tyra Banks Show when I was like 13, but I still don't think I'm a believer that chemicals are what make me "love" Marc. Do I get some sort of high when I'm around Marc? Heck yeah, he's a great person to be around. I'm not the only person that gets excited with his presence. I guess I would need this theory of hers to explain love at first sight. I really saw Marc from about 50 feet waiting on a bus when I realized I needed some connection with him. I didn't know who he was, his name, nothing. I had just seen him and knew there was something. Some people will call it lust, and I'd believe that if I weren't married to him today. She said every time you see the person you "love", you're being reinforced about keeping them around. Again, I don't fully understand that either since people who love each other still break up. I'm not understanding how emotions don't play a role in love. She really told me that it was all in our heads. Hmmmmmm. For some strange reason, I'm really struggling with this one. If people who "love" each other have struggles in their relationship, wouldn't their head tell them to just leave? What is it that keeps them together? Why do they continue to work on the relationship? Bub, am I crazy? I really love you, and I don't think anyone or any kind of science could tell me it isn't real. Maybe that's why our generation is struggling with relationships. They expect everything to be clear cut and obvious. Something both love and marriage are definitely not. I don't know about you babe, but I'm still a hard believer in love, and I wouldn't have it any other way, or love anyone else because you are my one!

With love always,
Becca Colón

P.s. Go check out my school website! What a proud wife I am <3 By the way, this is not a mean girls kind of post or throwing her under the bus. We did have a conversation last night and she knows where I stand. It's just for reflection 


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