What Our Union Means

          So, I'm sitting here trying to figure out what marriage means to me, and so many things are popping in my head. Like I do most mornings, I browse the internet to get my brain juices flowing, and bam! I come across a fellow blogger who practically took the words right out of my mouth. She started by saying how marriage is like being on a team, and I must add, this is my favorite team I've ever been on. When you're on a team what do you do for your teammates? You cheer them on, and wish them the best because everything you guys are doing is for a common goal. I used to think that there was an end goal to marriage, but the more that I think about it, the process of working through marriage is the great part about it. Marriage means getting through the rough times together and not looking back for a second, even when you have the slightest bit of hesitation. It means enjoying every moment you have together, the times when you're laughing or joking around, and even the arguments. You're probably thinking, why are you enjoying the arguments Becca? (Babe, listen to this one, because it's probably not what you think haha) It's not that I necessarily enjoy arguing with Marc, because I don't, but there is no one else I'd rather have by my side for the rest of my life to argue with ;) I know Marc and I are young, and we have lots to learn about what marriage really is, but if you're married, you had to start somewhere, and I don't see any manuals out about how to have the perfect marriage from beginning to end.
          The reason Marc and I were able to start a marriage so young is because of the marriages we have been provided as examples. Whether they've ended in divorce or remained married, they've offered us insight on how to truly love. We both had marriages to look up to growing up. I remember my freshman year when Marc and I first dated, I told him my outlook on marriage (yeah I've been thinking about marriage since I was 14 haha). I told him I wanted what my grandparents and parents have. This year my grandparents are going on 60 years, and my parents 23. The moment I knew Marc could potentially be my husband is when he said he wanted what his godparents had. They're high school sweethearts, and still strong at the whole marriage thing. Marc and I were only 14 and 15 talking about our outlooks on marriage, and you don't find that very often. Marc was something special to me from the beginning. I should've called it freshman year of high school. I don't know what took me until freshman year of college to realize you were going to be my husband.

With love always,

P.s. Let's go team!


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