Our Weddingsssss

          If you have me on Facebook, you've probably seen our Christmas wedding video. Looking back, my very first post on this blog was of my engagement video. It's crazy to think, here we are 82 blog posts later and I have a wedding video to show off to the world. Oh and a marriage, no biggie. The reason I'm posting this video is because Marc and I were talking about the differences between our two weddings. Yes, if you're new, we got married twice. Once alone in Vegas on Christmas Eve, and the second time with our close family and friends on New Years Eve. We noticed at our Christmas Ever wedding, we both teared a lot more during the vows. There was something about the privacy and intimacy that allowed us both to be raw with our emotions and to let out what ever passionate tears we wanted. Not to say that we didn't cry at our other wedding, because believe, WE CRIED. We just cried about different things. The two weddings represent something for us, and I'm starting to realize why we felt differently at the same moment for both weddings. At our first one, just simply looking at each other had tears glistening. If anyone else had been in the room, I'm sure they could just feel the nervousness and excitement coming from us standing there with our hands united. It was just us. No worrying about anyone but each other. Neither of us pre-wrote vows, so they were straight from the heart. I won't say what Marc said that had me crying a river because I love that we get to keep it between ourselves, but having him say what he did reassured me I was making the right decision. In that moment, we got married to each other. For our second wedding, it was fun and funny, spur of the moment, again, and full of family. I'd like to think we cried so much after that wedding, because having the people around us who raised us and were raised with us showed us something we didn't get at our first wedding. It showed us the 30+ additional people we were marrying, other than each other. We were able to see firsthand the people who helped shape each other into the people we are today. At this wedding, the majority of the tears came from thanking and appreciating our family. Our families are pretty bomb by the way. I don't know many families that can come together and plan a wedding in 5 days. All in all, I am grateful for both weddings. They both gave Marc and I something we needed, we both gained a loving partner, and another loving half of a family.

With love always,
Becca Colón

P.s. These videos will never get old babe <3 I could watch them forever!


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