Old Love New Love
We're one of those relationships that doesn't know where to fall in this category. Do we have old love for one another, or are we able to say our love is new? It's weird because I want to say our love is old considering our past, but the feeling of how important we find our love to be is still very new. Marc and I are able to love each other simply by sitting next to each other in an empty space, and still feel the connection as an older couple would. Yet, we giggle and flirt as if it were still our very first date. I forget the saying, but it's something like, if you continue to do things you did in the beginning of the relationship, there won't be an end. I believe it. Old love is great. Being able to just feel someone's presence is great, trust me. I'd kill to have Marc even in the same city as me right now, but that can become old after a while, and maybe even become some weird friendship. Don't get me wrong, having an actual friendship with your partner is awesome, but I've said it before, if you want just a friend in a partner, you're not looking for a relationship. Every time Marc and I go to Applebee's, Coldstones, Cheesecake Factory, or even a random trip to Chipotle, we're having the time of our lives together. Chipotle in no way is romantic, but every time we go, I get butterflies because even though I'm not their biggest fan, I know Marc loves it. To see him happy for those 20-30 minutes brings so much joy to my heart. Every date with him is like the first one. Maybe even better considering I couldn't even eat on our first one and looked completely rude. When we first entered a relationship again last year, I remember we both said something along the lines of, about time! We had been by each other's side all this time like old friends, and we were finally able to explore a new relationship. I don't care how long you know or love someone, when you get a title connecting you to someone, it feels that much more special and new. A couple weeks ago a woman at my job laughed at me and said, "You didn't go off getting married did you?", to her surprise my answer was yes. She laughed and smiled and congratulated me asking how I felt. I told her just as I'm telling you. I feel like a new woman, and feel like a new man has been placed in my life. I don't think I've ever been so happy or excited to take on the world. There are so many days when I feel like I'm doing things wrong, and he helps me with guidance and gives me strength to get through those rough patches. Sometimes when I get upset, just thinking about the possibilities of my life with Marc help me snap out of it. I've known Marc since 2009, he's pretty much like when I met him. A lot more serious about things, but his core is pretty much the same. Surprisingly enough to me, all of his characteristics and tics seem new. I'm still learning how to understand him. Our relationship is so old and still feels so new. I guess the point of relationships feeling like this is so you can cherish and appreciate the old love, and to experience and learn from your new love.
With love always,
Becca Colón
P.s I still don't know which category we fall in. I'm going to say new for now considering how much learning we still have to do.
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