Long Distance Love

          Today's post is going to be a little different. I know I told you before I browse the internet for ideas on what to talk about some days when I'm needing a little push, so I got to it this morning. I knew I wanted to speak about long distance relationships, considering even though Marc and I are married, that's what we have for the time being. It's easy to notice differences in when we're together and apart. Isn't that a given though? Of course it's a lot more difficult to communicate when you're so far and only have texting and limited phone conversations. But what frustrated me was the advice being given to those in long distance relationships, especially in younger people. That's probably why I was so butt hurt, because I felt like all the "advice" was being directed towards relationships like the one I have with Marc. The first thing that popped up, and kept popping up was "Signs you're breaking up" Well that wasn't very positive! Another one was, "Don't wait around for anyone" You're probably thinking, yeah, you don't want to wait around, but I'll tell you otherwise. The articles may not have been written for couples who are already married, but for those who aren't I feel bad for. If all that is out there for long distance relationship advice is what I saw, I wouldn't want to read it. Everyday when I write, I think about things that would not only help with my own relationship with Marc, but how I could reach out to others and help them in any way I can. Whether it's showing that even couples who look like they have no issues do, how to appreciate a loved one, or to show others that time is limited and to take advantage of the beautiful things you are given. Not to drop something at the smallest bit of struggle. There's a reason the saying is "no pain, no gain" (and I don't mean abuse, that's a whole other ball game). What I'm saying is, if you feel your relationship is worth it, then work for it. Don't give up because society says the way you communicate is wrong, or that you need to be completely independent of a partner. I seriously would dare a person to tell me not to lean on Marc in a time of need or vice versa. In getting married, we are taking on the job to be that wall to lean on and stand as a foundation for the other.
          I probably sound super old school, but I love having a partner by my side. Especially one as fantastic as Marc. So, anytime we may have a miscommunication because you can't hear the emotion behind a text, or get anxious waiting for my graduation date, rest assured, I will not be looking for signs of breaking up, and I will happily be waiting for my man as I walk off the stage at my graduation. Don't let anyone tell you to get over someone if you're not. Give 110% and try it out. Know there will be struggle, know things might get weird, and know that if it works out after all, you gave that 110% that got you there. Marc has me reading a book about success, and man does it have my brain going through it right now. But I was telling him that I feel like I don't do anything. I feel like I'm on a road to average town. You know what his response was? "If you feel that way, then do something" That simple. I didn't realize it last night, because I was so caught up in school and work, but I do do something. I write everyday to the love of my life, and to outsiders. I've always wanted to help others, and whether I know it or not, this blog could possibly do that. Like Marc told me last night, his response of "do something" to my complaint about "not doing anything" are directly correlated and completely up to me. And even though Marc and I were talking about work and school, that advice can easily fall into relationship advice. Just do something!

With love always,
Becca Colón

P.s. Rant complete! Hahaha Thank you babe for that motivation last night to kick butt! <3 Here's a link to the amazing book I've been reading ---> Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell


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