Us..... Cool?

          So, according to my boss' kid, Marc and I would be cool parents. I'm not sure if that should make us excited or nervous? Who would've thought, a common interest in sneakers would attribute to mine and Marc's parenting skills? It does make me think though, what kind of parents are we going to be in the future? Another thing is, I should probably stop talking about kids so much haha. I probably have people wondering if there's more to the story. I can assure you, no Colón babies anytime soon. It's just a fun and interesting topic to think and talk about. Me, being the push over that I am, I would hope I'm not the easy target parent. Then again, with Marc being as strict as he is, maybe I will be by default hahaha. One thing I can say about our future kid, is that they will be loved like no other. As people who love with everything they've got, that's gotta count for something when it comes to parenting. They say women look for guys that present fatherly skills. Maybe that's how Marc really pulled me in. I saw how caring and loving he could be and I was like, "Yupp, that's my future baby daddy", haha no but seriously, the way he treats people, especially kids is something that I adore. I remember the first Thanksgiving he spent with me and came to my aunt's house, played with my baby cousin and how he spoke about her. My mommy senses were tingling for sure. It was too cute! So, my love, what kind of parents are we going to be?

With love always,
Becca Colón

P.s. I don't think I've ever been called the "cool" anything. I highly doubt I'll be the cool parent. That's all you boo boo! <3


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