Like Marc

          I'm always saying I'm acting like Marc when I break my brain to do work and get through things, and today is going to be one of those days. We have a new girl at my job and today I'll be doing some training. If Marc has taught me anything, it's to lead by example, and if I think I'm explaining something clearly and the other person still isn't getting it, then I must not be explaining it clear enough. <--- I hope that was clear hahaha. But seriously, I've seen the way Marc talks to his mentees, and how much they look up to him, his confidence seriously just radiates the room. When Marc talks, there is something about him that makes you want to listen. As a wife though, obviously that gift of his only works sometimes on me hahah, I still listen though. Just a whole lot of thick skull before my brain can catch anything. I'm trying to remember that word my mom called him when I started this blog. I guess I have to go searching because it's going to bother me if I can't figure it out. CAPTIVATING! I don't know if I'll be captivating today while training the new girl, but I'll definitely try to present the confidence and brains that Marc does every time he speaks. I'm actually really nervous to help train someone. I guess I'm so nervous because Marc is always trying to help me with stuff and I'm almost always resistant. I'd be annoyed dealing with someone like myself, I don't know how Marc does it. For someone with just about zero patience, he's given me tons throughout the years. It must be a future husband/husband trait that guys pick up when their marriage senses are going off. All I can say is, thank God Marc loves me, hard head and all, willing to work with me all the time. <3

With love always,
Becca Colón

P.s. And look at you, always around the girls smh hahaha <3


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