I Got 24 Hours
As I told Marc about an hour ago, I already feel like I'm on my way home. 1 paper, 1 lesson plan, 3 classes, a 6 hour work shift, and a 4 and a half hour drive stand in the way of me being home right now, and I still couldn't be anymore excited. You know you're pumped for something when an entire day is still ahead of you, and it barely matters. I'm only mentioning kids right now because I'm working on a lesson plan and just got out of my preschool class, but I can't wait to be that crafty mom. And I can't wait for Marc to be that hovering dad who checks all of our kid's homework assignment (I'm pretty sure that's how it'll be hahaha). Okay, that's enough kid talk, I just had to get that out there. I can't wait to get home tomorrow night and sleep in my own bed, snuggle with my hubby, and to be feeling comfortable in my own home. That's all I ever want really. To be comfy with the person that I love. In order for me to do so, I must get all of my work done tonight so we can actually relax and have a chill weekend. We always say we're going to just relax and never do, but I really hope we do this weekend, because I know we both would love to catch up on sleep. Who says you gotta have kids to be tired? We've got each other, and that makes us tired enough hahaha. In exactly 24 hours I will be driving home with Herky, super tired and wide awake at the same time. I'm already tired for tomorrow, but knowing what is waiting for me at the end of the drive is enough to keep me awake and excited. Every time I want to pull over tomorrow to sleep, I'll just remind myself, those are just extra minutes I can be at home with Marc, so don't waste them napping in the car at a pit stop on the turnpike. Home is calling my name!
With love always,
Becca Colón
P.s. Our last weekend trip before graduation!!!
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