I Just Love You

          This post is going to be a little different. For once, I don't have much to say, but what I do have to say means more than words. I know I say I love you all the time, but do you really know how much I love you? Cause it's like a lot! A lot a lot! Maybe I don't say it enough, maybe I do, but I can never say it too much. As my dad would ask me when I was younger, "How much do I love you???", go ahead babe, answer that in your head. ***Btw, the actual answer is "TOO MUCH", haha*** So, with that being said, I love you! <3 So much, I felt the need to just announce it to the world today. I want everyone to know how ridiculously in love I am with you. Shameless and all. I'd like to take this time to look at this fantabulous picture because I can. Time to start preparing for a long week bub. You got it <3

With love always,
Becca Colón

P.s. Did I tell you how much I love you??? Before and after. Whoa!


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