Tomorrow Is the Big Day!
It's official guys. Marc's birthday has officially become one of my favorite holidays. It makes me real sad that I can't be home tomorrow, but in two days we can finally start to celebrate his birthday! As a wife, now that I think about it, why don't we consider our spouse's birthdays holidays? I mean, if it weren't for them being born we wouldn't have a spouse, right? I don't know, maybe that's just me and my crazy thinking. I'm so excited for this weekend with Marc. All week I've literally been staying up late just to get all my work done before I head home to Philly. This is a big deal because 1. I hate staying up late, and 2. I'm basically queen of procrastination station. You ever get so excited for something that you go over the plans 100x over? Well, that's been me all week. I've seen Marc several times this semester, but hey, I really miss my hubby. I need my bub's perfect hugs whenever I'm upset, or his face just in my presence. Guys, I think everyday should be a birthday. They're just so much fun. Especially with Marc. He's pretty much a master at birthdays. One more day of work and classes Becca. That's all I gotta keep telling myself.
With love always,
Becca Colón
P.s. Nobody forget my babies birthday. It's tomorrow, just in case you already forgot! <3 He's so handsome :D I could stare at his pictures all day <3
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