Got Him With that Amor Purus

          If you're a common reader, you know I'm always connecting my classes to the blog, and today will be no different. In class, we were medicalizing things. Of course, me being as awkward as I am, I created the disease, Awkwardosis. If you're interested in hearing the diagnoses, let me know, it's very interesting haha. Since this is a blog for Marc, I'm going to tell you how I got Marc with Amor Purus, or translated in English, that PURE LOVE <3 One can be diagnosed with Amor Purus when presenting signs of wanting nothing in return, bringing others closer to themselves and their inner truth, having the highest attitude and vision for their loved ones. Having a love so pure that an end in sight is inconceivable. One can catch Amor Purus when finding their soul mate, and can no longer resist the urge to love a person. Everyone is born with Amor Purus, but it does not become active until meeting their soul mate. Currently, there are no medications available to treat against the condition considering each person with Amor Purus loves their person so much they do not want to get rid of it. So, here are a few of the many benefits to having it. Having Amor Purus makes you and your partner perfect candidates for marriage, long lives, happy families, and overall life satisfaction. If you'd like to learn how Amor Purus is caught, feel free to contact your local love counselor who will guide you on the route to finding your perfect match. Again, all things Amor Purus are beneficial and completely safe. There is nothing more rewarding than to receive and give off Amor Purus. The more people with this condition, the happier and safer this world can become. Pure love does not end with finding your soul mate, but creates an environment that makes you want to be a better person. A world full of happy people loving one another?? Come on, it doesn't get any better than that! I can't wait to enjoy mine and Marc's life as we live with this amazing diagnoses of Amor Purus.

With love always,
Becca Colón

P.s. Things like these are the reason I need cool pills hahaha. Darn that Awkwardosis!


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