My Secret Weapon

Well babe, it is my last week of classes and I can say you've taught me so much this semester from afar, and so much in the weekend alone. When I say, Marc got the cry baby of the sisters, I'm not kidding. You know how you hear about people who cry because they see something like a rock? To put it into perspective, that's me. I pretty much get scared, paranoid, and emotional over everything. Hence, why school this semester has been crazy without Marc by my side being able to comfort me the way he once had. But he has done a great job of helping me and guiding me through school when I need it. And sometimes the best lessons you learn aren't even in school. If you know what I'm studying (Sociology), you know my major is nothing but a bunch of people who are trying to save the world. That's a lot of pressure when tons of people could care less about anyone but themselves, or anything that won't affect them. Your eyes have to be peeled back 24/7 because you have to be cautious about why people do the things they do, and why they feel that way. Sometimes we say things and don't even realize we are hurting others, and thankfully I have someone like Marc who likes to analyze everything, because his analyzing comes in handy. I get to take on different perspectives that I might not have thought of before. I'd like to say Marc is my secret weapon. Maybe it's all the analyzing that he does, that allows him to be so open and willing to accept people. He never fails to help someone in need when he can. Instead of jumping to conclusions, he talks, and tries to figure out what is going on. He may not be the most patient person in general, but when it comes to helping others, his patience is endless. And that's not even a general statement, he helps me every day, even if it means helping me understand something that he might not agree with. In my field and because of how attached I've grown to my work, I don't think I'd be able to hold a relationship with anyone other than Marc. He shows me how to love and respect everyone (and that isn't easy, not even the slightest). Thank you for your never ending kind words, and effort to help others as well as myself through the rough times.

With love always,

P.s. Thank you for being my rock.


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