My Big Love
We all have those people that we look up to, and of course I look up to Marc. But before Marc, I knew I wanted a love like what my grandpa had. I'd like to believe that I love Marc as much as my grandpa loves my grandma. And I'll tell you why. Growing up watching the way they moved around each other and how well they knew each other was definitely something worth watching. Whenever I took them grocery shopping they both would just grab away, and always knew what the other was going to get, never grabbing the same thing. That sounds small, but it's really not. I guess things like that come easy when you're married 50+ years. A couple weeks ago when I was home, I went to go chill with my grandparents for a little and my grandpa ended up having a doctors appointment, so I stayed with my grandmom. The appointment took a lot longer than expected and my grandmom began to worry. So much that she started to cry, wondering why he was taking so long. In the moment I was even panicking, but looking back, I think it was cute. My grandmom doesn't just walk around freely, she pretty much sits and watches tv all day, but the moment she found out my grandpa was ok and coming home, she got up and started making them dinner. I texted Marc as a joke to see if he would cry if I was gone longer than I was supposed to, I don't think he would though haha, I'll give it about 50 years before we start getting that emotional. Now back to my grandpa. In high school, we all had to create a senior project for graduation. I decided to make my own documentary on the American dream. Looking back at my grandpa's life, I thought he came out pretty successful in achieving the dream, so I felt it was necessary to add him. When I came around to asking the final question, "What is your American dream?", he said, "Be rich". I laughed because, well who doesn't want to be rich. But why he said he was rich is what had me in tears. He said he was rich because he had a house, his sons, his granddaughters and his wife, Carmen, his big love <3 He didn't stop there, he added how long they have loved each other, and it is a great love story. He followed my grandma to be with her from New York to Philadelphia. This next year, they'll be working on the 60th wedding anniversary, and Marc, I hope we get that lucky to live such long and rich lives together.
With love always,
P.s. Here is the link to the documentary. To watch my grandpa talk about his being rich, scroll to 16:39.
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