Look At This Stuff, Isn't It Neat

When you look around, what do you see? I'll tell you what I see. I see a giant window fan, a beautiful bunch of roses, a picture of Marc and I on one of our dates, a card Marc laid under my pillow, a small note on my desk saying "I love you", a beautiful hand made elephant blanket from India, and so much more. The point is, what do you surround yourself with? Every morning when I see those things, I know exactly where they came from, and I know they all came with love. Marc, at some point when I wasn't around, was thinking about me. They say you are who you surround yourself with, but are you what you surround yourself with? I'd like to think so. Look at the people you have around you. They're most likely loved ones, or coworkers, or pets (they're loved ones too), etc., but do those people love you, appreciate you, or find comfort in having you around? If so, you're probably hanging around the right people. I love leaving the house and coming back to something that reminds me of greatness and love. Whether it's a blanket, a hand written note, a painting, a tube of mascara, a "Secret Life of Pets" key chain, whatever the case, you know you have someone out there that loves you. I can't wait to be in a house permanently with the person I love. At that point, things could not get any better (well, they probably will, because living with a significant other, how fun!), but everything around me at that point will be a reminder. It's funny to think now, even a bill in the mail can be exciting to see, just because it has your person's name on it. One semester down, one semester left. 5 more months until I can say everything around me reminds me of my love.

With love always,

P.s. What do you have laying around that you love to look at every day?

Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?


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