It's About Time

It's a Monday, and we're left back in reality. The weekend has come and gone, and we're left with amazing memories and two beautiful paintings. Every time we get together and leave, I am already looking forward to the next time we'll be together. And usually we only get to see each other for a couple of days, but the next time I come home, I'll be there for over a week, and that's so exciting. I haven't been home for that long since last year around the same time. When you spoke about time this past Thanksgiving, you were so true about its importance and value. We don't give time enough credit. When is the next time I'll see you? A week and a couple days. About how much time did you spend here in Indiana? About 44 hours. How much time of those 44 hours did we actually spend together? About 33 hours. And of those 33 hours together, 16 of those were sleeping. Leaving us with only 17 hours of the total 44. We were able to spend just under 40% of our time together. I kind of feel cheated. And then I think.... In about 5 and a half months time, I'll be home, and that 40% of time will increase. It really gets you thinking, how much time are you actually spending with your loved ones? And of that time, are you using it wisely, or letting it all go to waste? Some ask why I'm such a sap on these blogs, and my answer is why not? What else should I do instead? Who else deserves my time? I can talk about my time spent with Marc forever, and that's because he doesn't waste mine. He values our time spent together. When someone values you as much as he does me, you'll want to be a sap 24 hours out of the day. So complaining about my 45 minutes of love per day will never be a solution. Instead, I will give purpose to my time spent on each blog. Long or short. Because the person these blogs are written for appreciates being able to take time out of his day to read them. And that's all that matters.

With love always,

P.s. Yeah I took a whack at your time metaphor and gave it a little spin. <3


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