Unexpected Perks

As I watched this video, I couldn't help but rattle off examples of things we do. Like how you were able to understand certain things I said during Speak Out, while my family was unable to figure them out. Or when we go to look at salad ingredients and you know, right away, STAY AWAY FROM KALE (cause kale is yucky). How we can just sit at home and have a tv date, and be completely content together. How you watch to see how much salt I put on all of our food. Or how you come downstairs to wake me up from the sofa to come to bed. And of course, we can't forget about all of the sevens I've cooked haha. All the car rides you've put up with my horrible singing, and our never ending humming to songs (even if I don't know them). All the random conversations we have, and late night capital/state quizzes. Or your fake coughing because I forget to get drinks hahaha. That cough. Our daily, play with Herky sessions <3 Or our silent time in bed at night.... SIKE! If I'm not talking, you usually are. How you still love and call me beautiful when I wake up in the mornings with my hair, looking like Don King. Your presence at home always brings me joy. Waking up next to you every morning, is a morning started off right <3

With love always,
Becca Colón

P.s. Oh, and I'm sorry for being such a blanket thief haha. 


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