Deal With the Devil

Is it his intellect? His charm? His good looks? Who knows? But it sure is a teeny bit fun. Have you ever made a bet with my husband? Not a bet with money, but outside the box kind of things. It's like arguing with Marc. You're always on your toes. But, you know what? We are having fun! We are having fun with our made up games. With our rock, paper, scissors battles. With our flip a coin decisions. We're having too much fun living life. Only Marc can annoy me and make me laugh at the same time. All of the million ridiculous questions he asks, just to bug me. And the awkward smile he gives me when he knows I'm upset, but knows it'll make me feel better, no matter how upset I can get. I couldn't be happier to know Marc is my one. There is no person I'd rather stay up late at night with, quizzing each other, even when you need to get to bed early. There is no person I'd rather warm up my feet when I'm trying to sleep. I can't wait for the next two weekends. Our adventures our never ending <3

With love always,
Becca Colón

P.s. I forgot the spirulina!


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