Mini Series: Our Success Day 5

          We're wrapping up on year 8! We've had a great run, and will continue to create our story of a lifetime. I know sometimes the things I say may not be super relevant to outsiders, but everything on this blog means something to me and my relationship with Marc. Even the short posts, or posts that just talk about how happy I am to have Marc around for the weekends. Every day that passes is just another page in our book. Our story is honestly much deeper than this blog, and that's because we do want our privacy of course, but at the end of the day, our story has so much to offer, and has so much value. We wouldn't be the people we are today if we hadn't gone through the things we have. I spoke about it yesterday, but our story matters. We know where we've been, and we know the lives we've lived. #5 Know your story. Our story has been unpredictable, exciting, adventurous, joyful, and full of trial & error. We can talk to each other about the trips we've taken, the arguments we've had, the things we need to work on, and the things we'd like to do more of. There is nothing wrong with learning each other. You can't have a relationship if you don't know yourselves or who you've become. I can say, thanks to Marc, I've grown tremendously throughout the years. I don't think you guys realize how much when I say so. I used to be that student that did what I had to, and left it at that. Now, I go above and beyond in class. I make sure to work on professional relationships with my professors. Before, I didn't understand how to navigate life or the world. I kind of just thought everything would happen on its own. Now, I work hard for everything I have, including Marc <3 I'll always work hard for that. But we're doing it. We are living our story, and we're taking it on like some champs. I don't care what age we are, how big or little the things that we've overcome are, but we're a great couple. I couldn't have asked for a better life partner.

With love always,
Becca Colón

P.s. We will have an against-the-odds, everlasting, successful relationship! Why is that? Because I believe it <3


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