Benji Jr.
If you don't know who Benji Jr. is, you'll learn right now. When we were in high school, Marc had pretty much the cutest little pup ever, named Benji. He adored that dog. Seriously. It was Marc's baby. Well, my senior year of high school, Marc and I had been talking about care packages one day, and vwah-la. Idea! I took one full day to make this care package perfect. That day I went to the mall, and to the super market. I wanted to buy things that would remind Marc of home, and to show him I was thinking about him. My first stop was the supermarket. I bought things like Vienna sausages, a mini bag of Goya rice, and I think I grabbed some snacks I knew he would like, but I can't remember right now. Then off to the mall. I wanted to get him a Benji #2. So, of course Build-a-Bear is where I had to go. I went with my future freshman roommate, and I'm pretty sure she thought I was being beyond extra with this care package, but I didn't care. I wanted Benji Jr. to be perfect. I knew how much Marc loved the Phillies, so clothing choice was obvious.
*Fun fact: When you build a bear, you make a wish on the heart that you put in the bear. Take a guess what my wish was! To end up together with Marc again. I guess Build-a-Bear wishes come true!
Back to the story. So, I packed all of the items and shipped them off to Indiana. I didn't know how Marc would feel about me sending him a stuffed animal, but I was hoping he'd think it was at least a cute gesture. I even sent Benji Jr's birth certificate. To my surprise, Marc loved it more than I would've imagined. Everywhere Marc went, Benji Jr. went. The moment you got in his car, you'd see Benji Jr. buckled up in the back seat <3 Definitely one of the best gifts I've gotten for Marc. Today, we currently have 3 Build-a-babies. Our #1 baby Benji Jr., Katniss, and Peeta. (Yes, we named them after the Hunger Games characters. We had to read those books in our English class that semester)
With love always,
Becca Colón
P.s. Babe, what else did I put in that care package?? I'm struggling to remember.
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