The Madre-In-Law

          I don't think there is anything more attractive than coming out of work, asking your husband where he's at, and finding out he's on a dinner date with his mom. Somebody please come pick up my jaw, I'm drooling. And it just gets better because he's not the only one who loves his mom. Today's blog is probably going to be a little weird but not really, it's still stuff that matters. Have you ever seen that movie Monster In Law? Well I have the exact opposite relationship with my mother-in-law. I honestly don't think I could've picked one any better. Sorry babe, this whole time I've actually been looking at your mom, hahah jkjk ok that was weird, but you get the joke. Growing up loving that movie, I was honestly petrified of having a future mother-in-law. I thought she was going to feed me things I was allergic to, trick me into things, and try to prevent the marriage from happening. Instead I found a mother-in-law who I can go on breakfast, lunch, or dinner date with. One who does trick me, but into one of the greatest tricks of all. She helped trick me into a wedding! I don't know guys, should I give her a pass? I think so. There's something about having the blessing of a mother-in-law that is just so relieving. Last year was the first time in a long while that I had seen Lina (my mother-in-law). I was pretty nervous, considering the last time I saw her was very briefly in a parking lot as we switched cars, and before that, I believe Marc's high school graduation. I'm pretty sure God was giving me a little help, because Marc's graduation last year fell on Mother's Day weekend. I knew I wanted to get his mom and grandmom something, and the holiday definitely helped make the flowers look not as awkward. I greeted them with flowers and Mother's Day cards praying I wouldn't make a fool of myself. Even though it wasn't our actual first meeting, first impressions still matter. I wanted to make sure she knew I loved her son. Because hey, I do! Her love means a lot to Marc, therefore it would kill me if we didn't have a great relationship. I hope they are enjoying their night together.

With love always,
Becca Colón

P.s. I love you guys! Buen prevecho, even though you guys already ate <3


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