Milestones and Holidays

We've hit plenty on milestones over the years, and I can't wait for our next one in two weeks. It might not be another graduation, but it will be our first legit holiday season together. Even though we've technically spent holidays together for the past 4 years, this is the first when our families will completely come together. When I think back at all the things we've experienced together, we've really experienced a lot. From me sneaking into your graduation, to you being the keynote speaker at mine (Yeah, I was a rebel, SIKE. But no, I really did sneak in) Since our high school graduations we've seen job accomplishments, school accomplishments, personal accomplishments, any and everything that has happened to one another over the years. And in holiday spirit I must speak on how grateful I am for all that we've accomplished together. I can't wait for you to see my families tradition on Thanksgiving. You always came after eating, so you never witnessed this part. I was going to wait to tell you this, but you're going to take part in it anyway. But prior to eating and a long hefty prayer, we all go around saying one thing we are thankful for. You've been my thing for several years, and I never wanted to tell you that because I felt like a loser. But I am just so proud and happy that I remained so thankful to have you in my life, because look at us now. Not only am I excited to have you join my family in our traditions, but for us to start our own. I can't wait for us to put up the tree, make the many sandwiches we will on Thanksgiving, spend our favorite holiday, Christmas together, and to start the new year with everyone we love all in one place. 2016 holiday season will go down in the books, well the whole year honestly. It's been a crazy one at times, but overall the best one hands down. I couldn't have asked for a better person to create new traditions and to reach new milestones with. Cheers to our holiday season soon beginning, and sending much love to our families, the people that have molded us to become the people we are today.

With love always,

P.s. I can't wait for Thanksgiving! We're going to have so much fun!!! <3


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