Blessings On Blessings

Back to reality guys. I always feel upset the day before leaving, and then I realize we're that much closer to being together again. It was definitely a successful Thanksgiving weekend, and I am super prepared to knock the rest of this semester out. Seeing you this weekend gave me the motivation I needed to finish strong. Two weeks of class and one of finals. So close! Today might have been slow, but boring, never! I always thought it was ironic when church services were super relevant to the things going on in my life, and boy was today relevant. Yeah, it's Thanksgiving time and everyone is thankful, but I've been saying this for weeks now. There is so much to be thankful for than what most people are. And when the pastor asked how many things we had given thanks for in the past day, one answer popped in my head immediately. You. I give thanks for you every day. If I was to only have the things I had given thanks for yesterday I would still have you. I think I'd be pretty happy with what I had in life. Yes, we should give thanks for the mundane things in life (which in reality aren't as small as we see them to be), because we are truly blessed. Not just for having each other, but the things we are able to provide for each other (and I'm not talking about things to do with money). I'll give you an example (babe it's just an example, not how I actually feel). On days when we are talking on the phone and he wants to hear how my day was, let's say I've been annoyed all day and just don't feel like talking. Instead of being miserable and taking his curiosity for granted, I should instead be grateful that he is taking the time out of his day to know how mine went. Imagine all of the people who don't have someone to ask how their day went. I have something to appreciate. Want to know what else is ironic? I'm sitting here watching the Simpsons right now as I type, and one of the characters is talking and upset that his wife left him because he took her for granted. You wanna know what he should've appreciated that she always did? The dishes. Something so simple. Whether we learn to appreciate the small things in life through church, a blog, or a cartoon, there is so much to be thankful for. Because we are all blessed, it's just a matter of realizing what we have right in front of us. And let me tell you babe, I know exactly what I have right in front of me, and appreciate every ounce of you.

With love always,

P.s. How much you wanna bet he checks the countdown app to see when I graduate?


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