2nd, 3rd, or 4th Time is a Charm?

So I've told you all about the first time we tried taking a whack at this "us" thing, and I told you the actually story of the second time, but I don't remember telling you how that came to be. I don't know what happened, but it was my junior year at his graduation I guess that I realized I didn't want to let him go. We had remained friends after our first try at being in a relationship, and that meant something. But knowing I wouldn't be seeing him everyday at school for my entire last year at Rush was a reality check. After he graduated I told myself that I'd try to see him any chance that I got. And believe me I tried. If I knew Marc was coming home from college, I'd try to send a text or place myself in a position where I knew he'd see me. This picture is the perfect example. I was at a sweet sixteen that night and I knew he was in town. I was hoping and praying that he'd show up to the party, but never did. So, of course, me being me, I texted him that corny, "Why didn't you come?" text. I forget what his reason was, but I asked to see him after. Clearly we did ^^^^. But you can only imagine how hype I was to finally be seeing him. So hype, I asked for a picture (not cute, by the way, I'm aware), just wanted something for my memories, and hey, it worked out well. But after that night I was so excited just to have placed myself back on his radar. It wasn't successful right away, but all great things come with time. Months go by, and March comes. It's his birthday, and what does Marc-obsessed Becca do? She forgets to say happy birthday. Boy do I suck. Anyway, I knew I'd be going up to IUP for an event a week or two later and decided to text him a happy-belated-birthday text, with a smooth, P.s. see you in a week. He might not have known how excited I was to see him then, but the excitement was real. At the event, every time he came to say hi to me and my mom I felt so proud to just know him. And at the basketball game that we had to go to, I felt like a middle school girl giggling with her friend looking back every two seconds just excited to be sitting in front of him. (Oh lord, I am a true loser) After the game I was invited to hang out with him and a few friends that night, but I had already made plans with my future roommate. I was stuck because I wanted to get to know her, and I wanted to hang out with him. It was a missed opportunity, but I was going to make up for it. Driving back to Philly, I knew I hadn't accomplished what I set out for, so I knew I would have to just bite the bullet and be upfront. And boy was I upfront. I texted Marc a long text explaining how I thought we should try again. He questioned me over and over again, thinking I was joking or something, but clearly I was serious. Those text messages between us led to the date when I had Bell's Palsy (If you don't know what I'm talking about, you gotta go back in the blogs. That story is somewhere). Only took me a year, but I finally got my chance. <3

With love always,

P.s. Hoolllllyyy throwback. Well at least we can say we truly love each other for the people we are, and not just for what we look like.


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