Adventure time!

I'd like to say everyday is an adventure with you, and it is. But it is 200x better with you here. It's the simple things and simple moments with you that I love. I can't tell you how much I love weekends like this one, when you come up to school to see me. Just having you walk through the door and talk about how things have been, always have me feeling like I'm back at home. To be able to cook you dinner, to watch TV with you even when you want to do crossword puzzles, or to decide what new adventure we'd like to encounter for the next day. It's become something of a habit for us always trying to surprise each other. You've done a whole lot better at this than I have, considering I always end up telling you the surprise. But the surprise I knew about this week could not have been any more exciting. Every time you come up, I always work the whole weekend, giving us how many awake hours did you calculate? About ten? Six hours wide awake, and the next four hours you get grumpy sleepy Becca? Yeah, I think that's about right. Last night, surprising you that I had today off was something I couldn't hold in until this morning (Yes, I really can't hold a surprise, I stink). But I knew it'd have you excited and pumped for all the adventure we could have together today. Our first adventure of the day, BREAKFAST!

With love always,

P.s. You never told me which option you wanted for breakfast, I need an answer por favor :D And thank you Jill Brill <3


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